General manager of TAMC attended the 3th second ferroalloy industry associations meeting in Guangyuan, Sichuan. And he analyzed the ferroalloys market in domestic and overseas....
TAMC accompanied Japanese A company to investigate ferroalloy enterprise in Shimian, Sichuan on Nov 12, 2013....
China Merchants Bank Visit TAMC2013-09-29ChinamerchantsbankvisitedourcompanytodiscussthemattersofcreditinSeptember29,2013....
Malaysia Customer visit TAMC2013-09-29ThecustomerofMalaysiavisitedTAMCinSeptember26,2013....
Cooperation of Silicon Manganese2013-09-24InSeptember23,2013.TAMCdiscussedcooperationwithcustomersofYunnanonsiliconmanganese....
Taiwan Customer visit to TAMC2013-09-18ThecustomerofTaiwanpaidavisittoTAMCinSeptember16,2013....
Cooperation of Ferrosilicon2013-09-16TAMChadcooperationofferrosiliconwithcustomersofNingxiainSeptember13,2013....
International Silicon Metal Summit2013-08-26TAMCattendedInternationalSiliconMetalSummitofChinaFerro-AlloysMarketduringAug22-23,2013....
TAMC attended the 3th Ferroalloy Industry Association of Sichuan Province (Sichuan. Meishan), which was selected the 3th Sichuan ferroalloy industry association partisan and general manager Zhaojun was elected the 3th director....
During May 23-24 2013, TAMC attended The 4th International Manganese Products Summit(2013) in Nanning, Guangxi....
The Seminar of My Steel 2013 Manganese2013-05-31TAMC received the Yunnan customers who took part in the seminar of my steel 2013 manganese marketin Chengdu on May 10,2013. TAMC took the conversations with part of conventioners....